Creating solutions
for every industry.
Property Development
At TF Partners we have a large portfolio of clients in the Property Development space that vary from your families developing and sub-dividing their property all the way to those operating large property development businesses.
This industry generally experiences stagnated profits and without appropriate planning and care, this can lead to an unwarranted tax liability or major cash flow issues. The sale of new residential property and land can be subject to GST, so careful consideration needs to be taken when processing these transactions to be sure that concessions such as the margin scheme are considered. We assist our clients in planning and forecasting to ensure the success of their operations.
Our financing division can assist with the appropriate funding to support small and large developments including debt coverage and presales.
Building & Construction
At TF we recognise the many different functions that fall under the umbrella of the building and development industry, which is why we think it is important to address this as a separate service and arm of our advisory business. Through our experience with many builders and contractors we understand the complex issues that can arise from this industry. We understand that profits are often lumpy and timely, which why putting the correct planning strategies in place has helped many clients operate their business successfully and avoid many of the industries challenges.
We have helped many of our clients with daily management of their cash flow to ensure that their operations continue to run smoothly allowing them to meet deadlines and objectives. This often includes interim reviews and analysis of actual and projected performance, along with forecasting cash flows and budget preparation.
Other considerations include meeting bank covenant guidelines and evaluating those providing services to you are deemed employees or contractors for the purpose Workcover and Superannuation requirements. We can assist with plant and equipment finance purchases along with cashflow finance options; such as overdrafts or debtor finance.
We have assisted and mentored many clients from the very beginning of their business endeavors and watched as they have grown into large enterprises. This includes plumbers, electricians, carpenters, painters and many other trades.
We have assisted these clients with bookkeeping, processing their quarterly or monthly Business Activity Statements, payroll and helping to understand their tax obligations including superannuation requirements. We help our clients grow their business by understanding when it is profitable to take on an apprentice or new employee, software selection and cash flow management. As part of this we help client’s manage risk and personal exposure and assist with knowing when to restructure as you grow your business.
Our finance division is another asset to clients in this space as we often assist in helping them obtain finance for motor vehicles or other equipment for their starting or growing business.
Retail & Wholesale
Many of our clients in this sector have different arms of their businesses and incorporate Retail, wholesale, manufacturing and import & export activities. There can often be increased pressure to discount stock and in maintaining high levels of working capital, this can put a strain on cash flow and profitability.
We assist our clients with GST implications relating to the transactions of their business specifically those with importing & exporting sectors. Benchmarking compliance is another area of focus to ensure our clients are compliant with industry regulations and requirements. We have also helped clients with in-depth cost systems, Inventory management and valuation methods.
We recognise and have assisted clients with cash flow and debtor finance to ensure smooth business operations along with financing store fit-outs and the purchase of commercial business properties.
Non- for Profit
TF Partners has a long-standing commitment to this very worthwhile sector by supporting a number of charities and foundations.
TF Partners can assist you with starting up a new not-for-profit organisation or charity. We have connections with legal experts that can guide you through the process of selecting and setting up a not for profit legal entity, registering it with the ATO, applying for charity status, applying for DGR status for tax deductibility of donations and applying for a fundraising licence.
Once established, we can also assist with the practical aspects of operation including the regulatory and compliance environment. We can assist you in managing your reporting obligations to the multiple regulators including ACNC, ATO and ASIC.
Most not for profit organisations are required to be audited or reviewed by a professional accountant. We can assist you in selecting an auditor for your organisation and also preparing the special purpose financial reports that are required.
At TF we have experience and knowledge of the manufacturing industry and we are able to provide our clients with the tools they need to succeed. Due to increased competition in this sector, we believe that good business planning and structuring can overcome many of the challenges clients are faced. Manufacturing businesses often engage in import and export activities which can be subject to foreign currency fluctuations that need to be managed.
The manufacturing industry is very reliant on the use and acquisition of plant and equipment which is an integral part of their operations to account for in business and cash flow planning. We provide our clients with Budgeting & Forecasting templates to help manage their progress against goals and objectives and outsourcing of finance functions if require and strategic tax planning and tax advice.
Our finance team often focuses on cash flow funding for our manufacturing clients along with financing for plant & equipment, business premises and new business ventures when looking to expand.
Professional Services
As professionals ourselves, we have a large amount of insight and personal experience when it comes to clients in this industry such as Lawyers, Accountants, Real Estate Agents and many more. We understand the ATO requirements when it comes to structuring of professional practices to allow for ease of entry and exit of partners and the remuneration of directors, including determining the appropriate level of income splitting. We can assist in the growth of a professional practice firm through our understanding of the importance of time cost billing and management, which we can provide our clients with useful tools and solutions to address these issues.
We are also able to assist our clients with advising them of specific lending benefits to some eligible professionals which includes borrowing at 90% without incurring Lender’s Mortgage Insurance. Banks can often look more favorable on professional businesses which have recurring revenue and clients. This can assist with business loans and leveraging your business income to increase borrowing capacity.
Food & Beverage
There are many exciting things our clients are building and achieving in the Food & Beverage sector. We understand the need to adapt and change with clients in this industry and are able to support them through all stages of their business or product cycle, beginning with the production process all the way through to the selling and export stage.
Setting up flexible and tax considerate structures are important to support the different sections of the business and to ensure the protection of intellectual property, assets and different revenue streams of the business that may be affected by creditors or liabilities of the business.
As part of our service at TF, we can offer our clients financing options for cash-flow lending and with the acquisition of plant and equipment which often play an integral role in the operations of businesses in this sector.
Technology, Media & Innovation
At TF Partners we understand the need for businesses in this space to have support through their infant stages as a startup organization through to the established stages of the business. We assist our clients in the early stages of their business by ensuring the correct planning is in place to avoid potential issues later. This planning includes cash flow management and determining when future funds will be required and how these can be raised, ie debt or equity, and how these could affect you. This is important as it needs to correlate with any current or proposed shareholder agreements.
There are also several tax issues associated with structuring especially those with views to expand globally along with those activities in Australia that may be eligible to government grants and incentives.
Medical & Healthcare Industry
We provide valuable advice that comes with years of experience to our clients in the Medical and Healthcare Industry. We understand and help clients to identify salary packing opportunities available to those within the sector. There are many tax complexities to consider for Medical Practitioners as the opportunity to split income can be challenging and there are specific requirements to be adhered to. When advising our clients we assess the most appropriate income structure to ensure it is as tax effective as possible.
Some of the other areas we focus on for our clients are reducing personal liability and risk when operating their businesses and ensuring appropriate structures are in place for the purpose of asset protection and tax effectiveness.
Our finance team has helped certain Healthcare Practitioners who are eligible to borrow up to 90% on their home loans without Lenders Mortgage Insurance. This is especially useful for when our clients are looking to purchase a new property or increase their investment portfolio. We can also assist with financing commercial property purchases and clinic fit-outs.
Research & Development
Businesses that engage in Research & Development activities can be eligible for government grants when undertaking certain projects. We have helped many clients navigate their way through this from the application requirements and documents all the way through to the tax implications and lodging the application with the ATO.
We can also help clients with other grants like the EMDG grant which is relevant to clients who are exporting products overseas. We help our clients identity their eligibility and utilize these opportunities where possible.
Franchising is a popular business structure and in Australia we are surrounded with many successful and popular franchises. Whether it’s assisting our clients in assessing the profitability before signing an agreement or assisting with the operations of an already existing enterprise, we can help.
Franchising is a unique business structure that consists of startup costs, royalty fees and ongoing obligations that are often a percentage of the revenue streams. With clients in international franchising agreements, we assist them with their Australian tax obligations, lodgements and helping to install internal processes that assist with the day to day bookkeeping and processing of payroll.
If a client is requiring business financing to enter into a franchising agreement, our finance division is experienced in providing our clients with the right advice and access to lender’s with already approved franchise names. We can also assist with expansion opportunities or cash flow funding.
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